Better tasting coffee is one call away.
We are a consulting agency for every coffee drinker, from every day lovers to professional baristas. Whether you own a local shop or manage a large chain.
Make better coffee today.
Resources for brewing at home.
Tired of getting mediocre coffee from your expensive brewer? Timbrook Coffee Group is here to help.
Dream and create an incredible space.
Is the daily stress of managing your cafe throwing off your work-life balance? Implement systems to streamline your day-to-day tasks and increase your margins. We’ll help get you there.
Coffee Is Community.
Desire to be a part of a thriving community? Belong to something bigger than yourself.
“At Timbrook Coffee Group, we are dedicated to cultivating community and helping you make better coffee through our consulting agency. We believe that coffee is an excellent vehicle to create communities because conversation organically happens around coffee. Our team’s experience and passion in the coffee industry make us an easy choice when it comes to learning how to make better coffee or take your cafe to the next level.”
- Trent, Founder of Timbrook Coffee Group